Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blurb #5

I now have mini blinds in my bedroom that are the correct size. I decided to stay with my too-short target blinds for the other room because I might get plants for the window sill and that would cover the rest of the space.

I went to Chinatown today and bought some Asian steamed buns that you steam yourself instead of the dumplings, which I now regret. The buns were not everything I'd hoped they would be. They weren't bad, I just wanted something meatier. I did go across the street and buy two whole flounders that, as I had feared, I had to fillet myself.

It was an adventure though and I finally got a chance to try making my own fish stock after I was done. I have no idea yet what I'm going to do with three tupperware containers full of fish stock though, other than freeze it and make a lot of chowder. I have to go throw out those fish carcasses now. Yuck.

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