Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm 4, Dream hotel...

I didn't get into much detail last night about the amenities here.  This place is incredible.  The rooms are quirky with neat little fixtures all around and push button controls for all the lights in the room.  The lights which always dim slowly when you turn them off.  The hotel's circular windows are probably the most noticeable thing about the building from the outside and the theme of circular things seems to permeate throughout the room.  In the two cabinet-like closets there are little notes telling you what you can use and alerting you that the mini bar is equipped with a touch sensitive device that will be able to tell if you remove anything for more than 60 seconds, at which point you basically bought it.

The bathroom.  Wow.  Never mind the fact that Con Edison shut off the steam to the city and we have no hot water, it's pretty luxurious in there.   They're pretty big on water conservation here so the toilet has one of those two button flush options.  The sink is stainless steel and the shower curtain is made of a fine chain-like material.  I'll really have to upload pics.  There's no slot on my Macbook for the data card from my Canon camera so I'll need to find a mini USB cable somewhere.

The TV was on when I walked in with a message addressed to me, welcoming me to the room.  Techno pop was playing on a loop.  My co workers and I navigated the menus listing all the hotel amenities, joking that we were going to find the one free thing and take advantage of it.  What was it?  Ice. But you have to call someone.  You can't just go down the hall and fill a bucket.

Anyway, turning the TV on this morning and checking my messages was how I found out about Con Edison shutting off the steam.  The sent a message to everyone's inbox with that information and an apology, saying they have no time frame for when it will be back up.  I bravely took a cold shower and now I'm watching, of all things, NY1, as I type this.  It's time for me to get out into the storm.  I think it's okay to take the umbrella in the cabinet to use.  The note only says it's $35 if you want to take it home with you.  I'll update once I see what it's actually doing outside.  May see if anything is open for breakfast that isn't going to bankrupt me like the restaurant downstairs might.  Wish me luck!  They just said this might be the worst storm in the city since 1938.  Let me go see what the hub-bub is about.

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