Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blurb #8

Good news from yesterday. Technicolor called me finally and asked if I could work some shifts. I unfortunately couldn't work either of the two they offered because of NY 1. However, they made it clear they do want to get me back in there and that Ernie would be taking some vacation again at the end of the month so they'd be calling me then.

See? Things aren't so bad. And Thursday, I'll be helping out on a film shoot in Brooklyn to get some experience. Same guy for whom I wrote music back in March. I'm assuming it'll be grip type work, helping set up audio and lighting, or maybe just PA stuff. No idea what to expect really.

I also turned my head shots in to the casting agency so I should be hearing from them soon, hopefully, with some paying extra gigs.

(Here are the head shots courtesy of Tony Jukich)

Head Shots New Best

Also, Karishma's parents are in town for the next three weeks. It's been great meeting them (they're really cool) and I expect I'll be hanging out with them a lot over the next few days.

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